Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Sending your kid to preschool: The best decision you could make

Sending your child to preschool is regarded as one of the smartest parenting decisions you can make. A high-quality preschool is not one that is aimed at churning out child prodigies who can recite the alphabet and perform math calculations by the age of 3. A good preschool lays emphasis on instilling social and communication skills as well as the abilities to control one’s impulses, modulate emotions and manage behavior.

When selecting a preschool for your child, it is essential that you try to get a keen insight into the ideologies that underlie the daily schedule at the preschool. For instance, Williamsburg Northside Preschool in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, is an acclaimed NYC preschool with a characteristic approach to elementary education. The preschool has adopted the Reggio Emilia approach to education that is based on viewing each child as a strong, capable individual replete with unlimited potential to grow and develop.

There are several benefits that a good preschool can impart to your child.

Benefits of sending your child to a good preschool
  •  Social skills

A preschool offers a safe social setting for your child that can be conducive to the development of social skills. Your child can learn to relish the joy of socializing, develop a sense of respect and empathy for others and learn to resolve conflicts.

  • Behaviour Management 

Children learn to focus their attention upon the teacher and follow directions. Doing what needs to be done according to the daily schedule builds concentration and impulse control in the child. Waiting for their turn, raising their hand to speak and sharing resources help a child learn how to be a student.

  •   Pre-academic skills

Preschools instill pre-academic skills in children through play way methods. Story-telling sessions enrich a child’s vocabulary as well as listening skills and comprehension. Children also develop fine-motor skills during art activities by handling scissors, painting and modeling clay. These fine-motor skills are useful when the child is required to put pen to paper in kindergarten and beyond.

Attending preschool introduces your child to the joy of learning and camaraderie. You should evaluate different preschool programs to find the one most feasible for your child. A program that encourages independent thinking and exploration, such as the one at Williamsburg Northside Preschool in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, would help develop a love for learning and the ability to think critically, in your child.